What you can expect when you subscribe to the Chihuahua Charm Academy


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Why does my Chihuahua bark so much?


It is important to note that barking is a SYMPTOM of something.
The first thing to think about is WHY?

Many Chihuahuas bark because they are frightened of something. This is often because they have not had the correct socialisation when young before the age of 14 to 16 weeks.

Secondly, Chihuahuas are very active and extremely smart little dogs. If they are not given enough to do to challenge their brain, they are going to get bored.
If your Chihuahua is bored then they are more likely to seek out other activities such as barking!

In the Chihuahua Charm Academy you will learn how to prevent your Chihuahua becoming bored, challenge their brain and how to help them feel safer around things that they are unsure of.


Is it possible to potty/toilet train a Chihuahua?


The short answer is YES absolutely!
Toilet training a Chihuahua is no different from toilet training any other breed.

If you are having issues with your Chihuahua having accidents inside the house then the first piece of advice is to have your dog checked for a Urinary Tract Infection.
This is very common and is easily treated if you have a sudden change of toileting behaviour in your Chihuahua.
Next, if that comes back clear then you will need to go back to basics with training.

In the Chihuahua Charm Academy we can help you do this and overcome your toilet training challenges.


How can I stop my Chihuahua from biting strangers?


The short answer is YES absolutely!
Imagine if you were 9 or 10 inches tall and people that you didn’t know were trying to touch you.
I’d imagine you would feel quite intimidated.
Chihuahuas have the ‘cute factor’ and strangers want to pet them!
Sometimes this is too overwhelming as they misinterpret the person’s body language resulting in a defence mechanism.

 They are not being mean or nasty, they simply don’t feel safe.

It is important that you don’t allow people to approach your dog without you and your dog’s consent.
People approaching your dog can be unintentionally rude and can damage your Chihuahua’s trust around strangers.

In the Chihuahua Charm Academy we will teach you what stress signals to look out for and how to keep your Chihuahua feeling safe so they don’t feel the need to defend themselves.


Why do Chihuahuas shake?


Chihuahuas are very small dogs and they do feel the cold as they are so close to the ground.
It is important that you keep your Chihuahua warm.
There is nothing wrong with putting a light jumper on your Chihuahua if it does get chilly providing that your dog is okay with it.

Your Chihuahua may also be shaking due to anxiety or fear.

If you see your Chihuahua shaking or trembling then take a look at what is happening around your Chihuahua and assess the situation.

 If you feel that your Chihuahua is not comfortable or anxious then please remove your dog from that situation or remove the thing that is causing the anxiety.

In the Chihuahua Charm Academy we will address body language and teach you how to deal with situations that cause your Chihuahua anxiety.